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ApplyVoiLookupTableCommand Constructor(DicomLookupTableDescriptor,Int16[],VoiLookupTableCommandFlags)
See Also  Example
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core Namespace > ApplyVoiLookupTableCommand Class > ApplyVoiLookupTableCommand Constructor : ApplyVoiLookupTableCommand Constructor(DicomLookupTableDescriptor,Int16[],VoiLookupTableCommandFlags)

Structure describing the LookupTable. The following members are used:
FirstStoredPixelValueMappedIndicates the first index whose remapped value is stored in the LookupTable. All image display LookupTable entries which are less than this value will be remapped to LookupTable[0].
Array of short values which contains the lookup table. Its length determines the number of entries. All the pixels that are greater than FirstStoredPixelValueMapped + (LookupTable->Length) will be set to the last entry in the LookupTable (LookupTable[LookupTable->Length - 1]).
Flags thst determine the behavior of this method. These flags can be OR-ed together.
Initializes a new ApplyVoiLookupTableCommand with explicit parameters.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Function New( _
   ByVal lookupTableDescriptor As DicomLookupTableDescriptor, _
   ByVal lookupTable() As Short, _
   ByVal flags As VoiLookupTableCommandFlags _
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim lookupTableDescriptor As DicomLookupTableDescriptor
Dim lookupTable() As Short
Dim flags As VoiLookupTableCommandFlags
Dim instance As ApplyVoiLookupTableCommand(lookupTableDescriptor, lookupTable, flags)
public ApplyVoiLookupTableCommand( 
   DicomLookupTableDescriptor lookupTableDescriptor,
   short[] lookupTable,
   VoiLookupTableCommandFlags flags
Managed Extensions for C++ 
public: ApplyVoiLookupTableCommand( 
   DicomLookupTableDescriptor* lookupTableDescriptor,
   short[] lookupTable,
   VoiLookupTableCommandFlags flags
   DicomLookupTableDescriptor^ lookupTableDescriptor,
   array<short> lookupTable,
   VoiLookupTableCommandFlags flags


Structure describing the LookupTable. The following members are used:
FirstStoredPixelValueMappedIndicates the first index whose remapped value is stored in the LookupTable. All image display LookupTable entries which are less than this value will be remapped to LookupTable[0].
Array of short values which contains the lookup table. Its length determines the number of entries. All the pixels that are greater than FirstStoredPixelValueMapped + (LookupTable->Length) will be set to the last entry in the LookupTable (LookupTable[LookupTable->Length - 1]).
Flags thst determine the behavior of this method. These flags can be OR-ed together.


Visual BasicCopy Code
   Public Sub ApplyVoiLookupTableConstructorExample()
      Dim codecs As New RasterCodecs()
      codecs.ThrowExceptionsOnInvalidImages = True

      Dim leadImage As RasterImage = codecs.Load("C:\Program Files\LEAD Technologies\LEADTOOLS 15\Images\IMAGE2.dic")

      ' Prepare the command
      Dim i As Integer
      Dim pLookupTable() As Short
      ReDim pLookupTable(65536)
      Dim LookupTableDescriptor As DicomLookupTableDescriptor = New DicomLookupTableDescriptor

      For i = 0 To 65536
         If (i < 30) Then
            pLookupTable(i) = 0
            If (i > 630) Then
               pLookupTable(i) = 630
               pLookupTable(i) = CType(i, Int16)
            End If
         End If

      ' fill the LookupTableDescriptor object
      LookupTableDescriptor.FirstStoredPixelValueMapped = 0
      LookupTableDescriptor.EntryBits = 16

      Dim command As ApplyVoiLookupTableCommand = New ApplyVoiLookupTableCommand(LookupTableDescriptor, pLookupTable, VoiLookupTableCommandFlags.None)

   End Sub
C#Copy Code
      public void ApplyVoiLookupTableConstructorExample() 
         // Load an image 
         RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs(); 
         codecs.ThrowExceptionsOnInvalidImages = true; 
         RasterImage image = codecs.Load(@"C:\Program Files\LEAD Technologies\LEADTOOLS 15\Images\IMAGE2.dic"); 
         // Prepare the command 
         int i; 
         short[] pLookupTable = new short[0x10000]; 
         DicomLookupTableDescriptor LookupTableDescriptor = new DicomLookupTableDescriptor(); 
         for(i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++) 
            if(i < 30) 
               pLookupTable[i] = 0; 
               if(i > 630) 
               pLookupTable[i] = 630; 
               pLookupTable[i] = (short)i; 
         // Fill the LookupTableDescriptor object 
         LookupTableDescriptor.FirstStoredPixelValueMapped = 0; 
         LookupTableDescriptor.EntryBits = 16; 
         ApplyVoiLookupTableCommand command = new ApplyVoiLookupTableCommand(LookupTableDescriptor, pLookupTable, VoiLookupTableCommandFlags.None); 


Target Platforms: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family

See Also